972 resultados para Deafness. Libras. Psychotherapy. Clinic hearing. Phenomenological attitude


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Psychology uses listening as a work resource. When it comes to psychotherapy, listening establishes communication and makes psychologist-client dialogue easier. This qualitative research aims to discuss the clinic listening in phenomenological attitude in existential-phenomenological psychotherapy with deaf people. This perspective is based on the thinking of German philosopher Martin Heidegger, who considers humane a being-with and being-in-the-world, always unveiling meanings. Regarding the deaf people, Libras is currently the natural language of Brazilian deaf people. In this new language configuration, communication occurs in a visual-spatial modality. Thus, listening and speech gain new dimensions, demanding different ways of understanding in the field of psychotherapy. To the development of this research, we present excerpts from therapeutic sessions narratives with a deaf client, interpreted in the light of Heidegger s hermeneutics. We consider that it is possible for the psychotherapist to listen to deaf people in phenomenological attitude. Such position, which does not naturalize and limit the humane, helps so that the clients do not feel responsible for their existence and can hermeneutically converse in their language. In this context, the psychologist must be qualified to conduct the treatment in Libras. We hope that this research can, somehow, fill the existing gap of the scientific production about such theme in the field of Psychology and, mainly, instigate discussion in the context of Psychology courses on the importance and need to qualify psychologists for the management of clinical practice with deaf people


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O percurso histórico das representações da surdez, da educação de surdos e do estatuto da língua de sinais aponta para a necessidade de uma reflexão sobre as relações entre língua, cognição e cultura. Um estudo direcionado à identificação das estruturas conceptuais subjacentes à língua falada pelos surdos -a Libras- pode contribuir com algumas considerações pertinentes sobre a questão surdez/cultura, além de contribuir para desmistificar possíveis preconceitos relacionados à língua de sinais. A linguística cognitiva (LC), ciência que engloba os aspectos cognitivos envolvidos na significação, a influência do contexto para a compreensão/produção da linguagem e a forma como o mundo é experienciado individualmente e culturalmente, revela-se como um embasamento teórico adequado ao desenvolvimento de tal reflexão, uma vez que abarca dentre suas áreas de interesse o estudo dos mecanismos cognitivos de conceptualização e expressão da realidade, dentre os quais se inserem os modelos cognitivos e culturais, a metáfora e a metonímia conceptuais. Levando-se em conta que na LC a concepção de metáfora, estabelecida pela Teoria da Metáfora Conceptual (TMC), à luz de Lakoff e Johnson (2002[1980]) e Kövecses (2002, 2003, 2005), considera a metáfora como um mecanismo conceptual em que os seres humanos empregam um domínio experiencial mais concreto, estreitamente ligado à experiência com o próprio corpo e o mundo em que vivem, para compreender/conceptualizar um domínio mais abstrato; buscou-se, neste estudo, verificar a aplicabilidade de tal teoria na língua brasileira de sinais (Libras), hipotetizando-se que as metáforas conceptuais podem ser identificadas em qualquer língua, mesmo uma língua visuo-espacial, e que as manifestações metafóricas encontradas na Libras podem refletir as especificidades da cultura surda, bem como aspectos provenientes da cultura ouvinte devido à influência cultural gerada por sua inserção nesta cultura. A pesquisa realizada desenvolveu-se sob abordagem qualitativa/descritiva, com análise de um corpus heterogêneo da Libras, composto por sinais isolados, vídeos e transcrições de interações terapêuticas. Os resultados apontam não só para a manifestação da metáfora conceptual na Libras, como também para a manifestação de aspectos semânticos e fonológicos subjacentes à iconicidade cognitiva nos termos de (Wilcox, P. 2004) da Libras. Trata-se de um levantamento inicial, mas que fornece elementos para alguns questionamentos sobre o aspecto conceptual e cognitivo da iconicidade e sobre o alcance da TMC e sua relação com língua e cultura


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Objective: The authors quantified nonverbal synchrony—the coordination of patient's and therapist's movement—in a random sample of same-sex psychotherapy dyads. The authors contrasted nonverbal synchrony in these dyads with a control condition and assessed its association with session-level and overall psychotherapy outcome. Method: Using an automated objective video analysis algorithm (Motion Energy Analysis; MEA), the authors calculated nonverbal synchrony in (n = 104) videotaped psychotherapy sessions from 70 Caucasian patients (37 women, 33 men, mean age = 36.5 years, SD = 10.2) treated at an outpatient psychotherapy clinic. The sample was randomly drawn from an archive (N = 301) of routinely videotaped psychotherapies. Patients and their therapists assessed session impact with self-report postsession questionnaires. A battery of pre- and postsymptomatology questionnaires measured therapy effectiveness. Results: The authors found that nonverbal synchrony is higher in genuine interactions contrasted with pseudointeractions (a control condition generated by a specifically designed shuffling procedure). Furthermore, nonverbal synchrony is associated with session-level process as well as therapy outcome: It is increased in sessions rated by patients as manifesting high relationship quality and in patients experiencing high self-efficacy. Higher nonverbal synchrony characterized psychotherapies with higher symptom reduction. Conclusions: The results suggest that nonverbal synchrony embodies the patients' self-reported quality of the relationship and further variables of therapy process. This hitherto overlooked facet of therapeutic relationships might prove useful as an indicator of therapy progress and outcome. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved)


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In this study, semi spontaneous samples of spoken language are analysed. Participants are 30 children with severe or profound deafness who employ digital hearing-aid or cochlear implant. The main goal is to find out the strengths and weaknesses of their grammatical skills in order to employ that information in dessigning speech therapy programs.


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DOMESTIC SKILLS AS THE ART OF EVERYDAY LIFE. An inquiry about domestic skills as a way of being-in-the-world in the light of existentialist-hermeneutics phenomenology. This study focuses on analyzing domestic skills in a phenomenological manner. The description phenomenological emerges from the interpretation process, which originates from the ontological question of domestic skills. The ontological question of how domestic skills are directs one s phenomenological gaze to the experiencing of domestic skills, rather than merely viewing their action or technical aspects. Along with the ontological question, the axiological question of what the meaning of domestic skills is drives the analysis. This study is both theoretical and philosophical. Phenomenology is the guiding philosophy, theory and methodology of the inquiry. Existentialist-hermeneutics is the emphasis which most appropriately describes the phenomenological attitude adopted within the analysis. Martin Heidegger s philosophy of being and Maurice Merleau-Ponty s philosophy of the lived body essentially form the theoretical base for the inquiry. The analysis reveals domestic skills within a core of Care and the Other. Care and the Other are anchored both in Heidegger s analysis of Dasein and in Merleau-Ponty s analysis of the reversible being-in-the-world. The social nature of being and the action-oriented intentionality of the lived body are embodied in Care and the Other. This ontological base of domestic skills enables us to see the extensions that inhabit in it. These extensions are redoing, emotional experiencing, adapting and emancipating. The analysis connects ability and action, which is why domestic skills and household activity must be seen as a united whole. This united whole is not the matter of the two components of the phenomenon, but is rather the matter of domestic skills as a way of being-in-the-world. Domestic skills are a channel for the phenomenon Home Economics to manifest in our lives. This is the gaze that presents domestic skills as to be like the poetry of everyday life. The main result of the study is the elucidation of the ontology of domestic skills and the naming of its extensions. This growth of philosophical understanding makes it possible to strengthen the science of home economics.


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Purpose This study focused on craft from a standpoint of phenomenological philosophy and craft was interpreted through Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology of the body. The main focus was the physical phase of the craft process, wherein a product is made from material. The aim was to interpret corporality in craft. There is no former research focusing on lived body in craft science. Physical, bodily making is inalienable in craft, but it is not articulated. Recent discussion has focused on craft as ”whole”, which emphasizes designing part in the process, and craft becomes conceptualized with the theories of art and design. The axiomatic yet silenced basis of craft, corporality, deserves to become examined as well. That is why this study answers the questions: how craft manifests in the light of phenomenology of the body and what is corporality in craft? Methods In this study I cultivated a phenomenological attitude and turned my exploring eye on craft ”in itself”. In addition I restrained myself from mere making and placed myself looking at the occurrence of craft to describe it verbally. I read up Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology of the body on his principal work (2002) and former interpretations of it. Interpreting and understanding textual data were based on Gadamer’s hermeneutics, and the four-pronged composition of the study followed Koski’s (1995) version of the Gadamerian process of textual interpretation. Conclusions In the construction of bodily phenomenology craft was to be contemplated as a mutual relationship between the maker and the world materializing in bodily making. At the moment of making a human being becomes one with his craft, and the connection between the maker, material and the equipment appears as communication. Operational dimension was distinctive in the intentionality of craft, which operates in many ways, also in craft products. The synesthesia and synergy of craft were emphasized and craft as bodily practice came to life through them. The moment of making appeared as situation generating time and space, where throwing oneself into making may give the maker an experience of upraise beyond the dualism of mind and body. The conception of the implicit nature of craft knowledge was strengthened. In the light of interpretation it was possible to conceptualize craft as a performance and making ”in itself” as a work of art. In that case craft appeared as bodily expression, which as an experience approaches art without being it after all. The concept of aesthetic was settled into making as well. Bodily and phenomenological viewpoint on craft gave material to critically contemplate the concept of “whole craft” (kokonainen käsityö) and provided different kind of understanding of craft as making.


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Resumen: La fenomenología de Husserl toma como punto de partida el problema del conocimiento con el fin de reformular la idea de una filosofía como ciencia estricta que aspira en última instancia a establecer una vida éticamente buena sobre bases racionales. Tiene que enfrentarse para ello con las cuestiones del comienzo de la filosofía y de su método. Ambas exigen tener en cuenta la distinción entre la actitud natural y la actitud propiamente filosófica porque la epojé que abre el camino a la reducción fenomenológica requiere advertir, tematizar y suspender la validez de la actitud natural. En la primera sección del artículo se deslindan los rasgos esenciales de las actitudes y se distinguen tipos generales de actitudes. A continuación se muestra, en la segunda sección, a la actitud natural como el fondo o suelo de todas las actitudes especiales y se delinean sus caracteres más sobresalientes. En la tercera sección, por último, se contrasta esta actitud natural básica con la actitud fenomenológica en conexión con el modo como Descartes comprende las cuestiones del comienzo y del método. Con ello se retorna al planteo de la filosofía como conocimiento en vistas a una renovación ética de la vida espiritual a fin de precisar por qué el paso de la actitud natural a la actitud fenomenológica es la condición necesaria para poder abandonar la instalación ingenua sobre el suelo incuestionado del mundo.


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The Brazilian insurance market is the ambience in which this research study takes place in search for a better understanding of how cultural characteristics are related with organizational signs, practices and expectations on social responsibility. The concepts of social responsibility as well as the concept of culture are presented and discussed from different points of view, in accordance with different authors and trough several methodological approaches, in order to establish a coherent theoretical basis for qualitative data analysis. The phenomenological attitude assumed by the researcher in especial dialogues situations during the field research phase added new possibilities of apprehension or emergence of each studied organization self orientation in terms of pre-occupation with social issues intimately related with their insurance activities in the market place. Final reflections show the complexity of the insurance cultural context in the studied Brazilian segment, in which cultural and subcultural national and organizational singularities appear. However leaving space for common values and coherent orientation toward the peculiar understanding of social responsibility as inherent to any insurance company activities, themselves. Last comments point out that future research studies may give additional contribution for the continuity of the discussions initiated in this dissertation, expecting that some changes in the organizational posture and practices may happen, especially those related with risk taking and broad processes of communication with clients and society as a whole.


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O perito criminal é o profissional que se utiliza de conhecimentos técnicos e específicos na análise dos vestígios de um crime, a fim de descobrir a forma como este se deu e, também, sua autoria. O trabalho pericial pode contribuir com a absolvição ou a condenação de um acusado e, assim, atender aos anseios de justiça da sociedade. Apesar da importância dessa atividade, os métodos e instrumentos de trabalho disponíveis para os peritos pouco evoluíram desde a criação da carreira no estado de Minas Gerais, que convivem, ainda, com locais de trabalho inadequados e, também, com a escassez de recursos materiais e humanos, somados à carência de comunicação e de autonomia na tomada de decisões das chefias; os resultados também apontaram para a interferência de outros agentes públicos, no local do crime, antes do início do trabalho pericial e, ainda, que a comunicação ineficiente traz problemas às relações interpessoais no trabalho. A nova gestão pública determinou metas que devem ser cumpridas, pressionando o profissional a otimizar os resultados do trabalho, sem ter, em contrapartida, melhorias nas suas condições. Além do exposto, o contato direto e frequente com vítimas de violência, ou com o material a elas relacionado, possibilita impacto negativo sobre as emoções do perito criminal, na falta de apoio especializado para lidar com tais situações. Esse contexto alerta para a necessidade da preservação da integridade emocional do perito criminal e, também, para emprego de estímulo à motivação da categoria. A fim de compreender as condições emocionais do perito criminal de Minas Gerais, de como impactam sua qualidade da vida e de trabalho, foi utilizado o método qualitativo de pesquisa, iniciando-se com uma etapa de pesquisa exploratória, na qual vinte e dois profissionais responderam a um questionário semiestruturado. Posteriormente, duzentos e quarenta e oito peritos criminais responderam a questionários semiestruturados; conversas e entrevistas semiabertas foram gravadas com outros dez peritos aposentados ou aguardando a publicação oficial da aposentadoria. As questões foram descritivas, aproximando-se da atitude fenomenológica, buscando compreensão, quando, diante de depoimentos e questionários, a análise de conteúdo e do discurso desempenharam o papel de apoio metodológico. Os sentimentos recorrentes entre os peritos são os negativos, relacionados a medo, apreensão, humilhação, frustração, injustiça, angústia e revolta. Porém, sentimentos positivos também apareceram, esses relacionados à esperança de melhoria de condições laborais, ao entendimento da necessidade da cooperação e da confiança nos pares e, também, do empenho na contribuição social. As conclusões indicam que é necessário a promoção sistemática da comunicação interna e externa, além da intensificação da interação e da cooperação, a fim de favorecer a liderança e o reconhecimento do trabalho pericial, apoiando o envolvimento do profissional com a carreira. A complexidade encontrada nas questões relacionais apreendidas, e os indícios de implicações com a problemática da autonomia na Perícia Criminal, sugere retomada investigativa futura.


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In theory say the education as a knot of meanings made in the body. We take as a reference for demonstration of this argument the shows Folguedos, Guarnicê and Flor do Lírio and built within such spectacles cultural, symbolic and aesthetic meanings, which reveal the education woven in the body. Education that can happen not only in the formal space like the classroom or the university, but also in the area of art and the inclusion of individuals in the world of culture. So during the construction of the thesis we reflect on the following issues: what is the construction of culture and art that have in the Parafolclórico group? What way theses shows in their buildings bring significant elements that might compose an educational activity. How objectives sought asking the dichotomies present in the concepts of art and culture; critically systematize a work of artistic, cultural and educational production in the group, in addition to expanding the understanding of education, considering the body experiences. The phenomenological attitude of Merleau-Ponty, is a reference methodology of this study, which places the reference knowledge as a result of our experience in the world, our world lived. Thus, this study considers the experience of the researcher in the three shows in tariff, represented by scenes described, as a dancer and spectator. Therefore we understand that Folguedos, Guarnicê and Flor do Lírio in their artistic, aesthetic and cultural languages, allow many meanings that occur in the body, which invites the perception and extend the experience of the subject, demonstrating an education that allows sight and knowledge, seeking new sensations and experiences, we show our intimacy with the world, with the objects and with the other. The art is understood as virtuality, as a human creation that carries the reality and that allows many readings and experiences, each perception can recognize and know new horizons, having as base and material the culture. This entails the heterogeneous, is not closed but that individuals can interpret it entered and recognize the symbols they created the same way, confirming a unit. The art and culture show us significant evidences of an education woven in the body


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This research reflects the relationship between Master and Disciple original from the Martial Arts, and anchors their focus on sensitive education that emerges from this relationship. The interest here is knowing how the tradition of millenarian teachings is passed through the years, and how it gives from the relationship of Master and Disciple. To that end, I lean me in that context and also reflect on my experience as a Disciple of the Martial Arts, to that end, I lean me in that context and also reflect on my experience as a Disciple of the Martial Arts, and is from the immemorial fund that can give voice to that experience, through my body attached in the world of significations in which the experience lived is narrated by the story. Anchored from the phenomenological attitude from the philosopher french Maurice Merleau-Ponty, I think this research on three central pillars to guide our study categories, namely: the lived experience, body and liberty. Still, as a form of highlighting this sensitive work, beyond the texts of the philosopher Merleau-Ponty, we bring our dialogue of the cinema, literature and the writings of some the Masters of Martial Arts. For that, I think this research as a journey, where it, Master and Disciple march together in the ways of Martial Arts, baptizing and celebrating this sensitive education from that relationship affective and empathic


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In this research, we invite to reflection by a phenomenological gaze on the body, through the description of some works of contemporary Brazilian dance company Grupo Corpo. This Company was chosen intentionally to give us elements in their creations to interrogate the understanding of the body and sensitive. Thus, as we launch issues in this dissertation: that body dance in Grupo Corpo? And as we can see, a phenomenological approach, an understanding of the body and sensitive works in that company? Building on this, the works are to be questioned Benguelê (1998/2003), Lecuona (2004) and Onqotô (2005). It is intended, through these works, coreological approaching the discourse of philosophical discourse and give movement to phenomenological thought of Maurice Merleau-Ponty, in special the sensitive, flesh of the body, the investment in the sensory world as a merger, calling the know body and its power to take chances, to incorporate the world, language, culture, create and choose. Thus, these openings is where thought enters this research. This consistency, we used the phenomenological attitude of Maurice Merleau-Ponty as a methodological approach, since in their study the philosopher takes a look expressive on the body, forming a sensitive language that is expressed in the movements, which deepens the arguments of the Phenomenology a new arrangement for knowledge as a result of our experience in the lived world. The reflections presented here aim to take us to the amazement, the unthinking, whom many still impose epistemological challenges, including understanding the body of knowledge and sensitive


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Phenomenology is the focus of this study for its critique of the limits of positivist science, which guides most of the fields of study including Psychology. The clinical formation process in Psychology courses is especially difficult for students-interns who adopt phenomenology as their clinical framework. Such difficulty is due to the incompatibility between theory provided in Psychology courses a science traditionally based on paradigms of scientism , and the theoretical-methodological proposal adopted by the aforementioned approach. As a backdrop for our study, we carefully examined the thought of philosopher Martin Heidegger, especially the Era of Technique. This contemporary technicism society was studied so that we could understand the socio-cultural status where this formation lies. Thus, we questioned if this panorama upon which Clinical Psychology rests favors the development of a phenomenological attitude and a special look at the meanings of existence, as defined in phenomenological clinical practice. Knowing such limits, our research aimed at understanding the experience of formation of clinical psychologists who take part in internships in the field of phenomenology-existentialism. Such study was, then, a phenomenological-hermeneutic research based on Heideggerian ontology and used a semi-structured interview as access tool. Six students of the UFRN higher-degree Psychology course who were doing their supervised internship in clinical psychology and the referred approach took part in this research. The research revealed that the phenomenological-existential formation phase opens a door to discoveries on the part of the intern that transcend the dimension of the other, for they show a self disclosure while a person in the word. Despite the initial discomforts caused by the course curriculum itself and by the freedom for clinical practice, so characteristic of phenomenology, the narratives demonstrate that such difficulties may start a process of search for new meanings, which show a search for sharpening their practices and for a path in balance with the existence of the other


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This proposal offers a possibility of approximation of mathematical knowledge at the prospect of Critical Education defended by researchers such as Ole Skovsmose and Paulo Freire. Using storytelling as a methodological resource is intended to develop an activity that allows students to think critically about real-life situations that have democratic questions as ground. The research is part of the branch of mathematics concerned with the education goals of teaching mathematics in basic education. We discuss the relevance of an educational process that enables the development of a democratic competence in the first years of primary education by showing students that their classroom can and should be seen as a community, where everyone has rights and duties. The interpretation and understanding of real situations can be something very complex and uninteresting for students of that age, looking for an attractive feature such as storytelling, which is based on the tendency of Reading and Writing in Mathematics, proposed by Nacarato and Lopes; Cardoso and Fonseca. Adopting a phenomenological attitude in the research seeks to understand if the storytelling can contribute to the formation of the critical student. Assuming this perspective has developed a didactic sequence from the story 'o que os olhos não vêem' from writer Ruth Rocha. The student's writing, favored by the proposed sequence, subsidizes the understanding of their thinking and acting on the democratic situations